Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Baked Chicken Fingers

I am going on a little bit of a diet.  Not really to lose that much weight but to just get in the habit of eating healthier before college... I DON'T want to revert to frozen pizza in college!  This particular recipe is a recipe that I made up myself and my family liked it alot.  It has kind of a tangy spicy flavor to it but its not a lot to burn your mouth up! Ready? Ok... here is the cast of our meal:

Boneless skinless chicken breast tenderloins (I was feeding a crowd so I got two packs of these but usually one would do)
1 cup of buttermilk
1 package of shake and bake (or two if you run out, like I did)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Salt and pepper the chicken

Pour a cup of buttermilk into a Ziploc bag add salt and pepper to the buttermilk as well

Place chicken breasts into buttermilk mixture

Move it around so it coats them well then set on counter for about 15 minutes

Pour shake and bake mixture into a plastic Ziploc bag.  Shake and Bake comes with a bag but I had used it previously so the Ziploc baggy did the trick!

Now pretend that I had a picture of shaking them in the bag but I don't so here they are on a greased baking sheet and you will place them in a 500 degree oven for about 13-15 minutes until they are no longer pink in the middle.

And here is the finished product! Serve along with your favorite dipping sauce and enjoy!:)