Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Apricot Jello Cake

So as I mentioned I'm on a little bit of this diet. So I decided to make a cake! Sounds like a good idea, right? I wanted to mess and play around with different flavors of jello poured over warm cake and then put in the refrigerator! YUM! This apricot flavor is to die for! And is awesome for those warm summer days....or if you live in Nebraska just any day since we never know what the weather will do! Hope you enjoy as much as we did! Here is the cast of our recipe:

White cake mix
1 1/4 cups water
1/3 vegetable oil
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
any jello flavor you want

Laura was an airhead and didn't take a picture of the mix being poured in so let's pretend that I already poured in the cake mix and now we are adding the water!

Now the eggs
3 of them

Now the vanilla...

Add oil

Beat as fast as you possibly can so you get the really cool whippy motion like I got!  Or just have a really good photographer! Hire a 9 year old! Who knew?

See? All that work whipping paid off! It's mixed now!

Pour into a greased baking dish and pop in the oven at 350 for about 27-29 minutes

Now it looks like this!
You can eat it like this
But please don't! It's so much better with the jello
But you could eat it like this
But if you do DON'T tell me

Now grab a knife and take all your anger out...just kidding. Just poke holes all around so the jello can seep, (seep? strange word..) into those holes....

Heat a cup of water in the microwave for 2 minutes, add jello and stir

Pour jello over cake and place in fridge for an hour to two hours

1-2 hours later

Put Cool Whip over and eat right away! Do not wait!

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